Elite Karate Academy

Sports Coaching, Tuition & Schools


Why we are the Elite?

Mission Statement
Our goal is to be recognised as the leading martial arts academy teaching core martial arts values and fighting techniques. With professional sincere instruction we aim to become guiding lights in improving our student’s lives and the community around us. Guiding a large dedicated group of students from ages 5 to 90 on their journey to black belt and beyond, in a friendly fun style.
Benefits of Training
Elite Karate Academy teaches traditional Wado Ryu Karate-Do (The Way of Harmony). We know correct training leads to character development and self improvement and is more than simply fighting. Learning the correct mental attitude and fighting spirit of the Samurai improves concentration levels, mind control and stress relief leading to a more positive attitude towards life.
Through their knowledge of karate our students learn Self-Defence, Self-Control, Self-Discipline, and Self-Confidence, leading to improvements in their Self-Esteem and develop the Physical, Mental & Spiritual Strength renowned of the martial arts.
Regardless of age or fitness levels, a student will benefit physically from training. Improvements in flexibility, strength, stamina and aerobic fitness are just some of the benefits to be gained.

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